Step 1: Download TikTok audio using QTik . downloader
Step 2: Download the "Ringtone Maker" app and "Garage Band" app from AppStore
Step 3: Open the "Ringtone Marker" application, click the "+" icon, select the "More" icon with the ellipses, then select "Import from file"
Step 4: Select the TikTok audio file you downloaded from step 1
Step 5: On the "My Ringtones" screen, touch the audio file selected in step 4, and select "Make", in the new window select the "Garage Band" icon
Step 6: On the Garage Band application screen, press and hold the newly uploaded music, select "Share", select "Ringtone", then select "Export"
Step 7: Open the "Settings" app, select "Sound & Touch", and select "Ringtone". Then you select the ringtone you just exported in step 6.